Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"...You're the next Contestant on the Price is Right"

Today I went to Warner Stellian to confirm the make and model of each of the appliances. I'd originally planned to purchase a Maytag refrigerator that we liked, but there's just something about the word "Maytag" that takes me back to growing up in the 70's and watching "The Price is Right". I liked the fridge but struggled with the manufacturer. Maytag is such a 70's game show appliance. Luckily since first identifying the Maytag, LG has introduced a similar model offering a little more storage space; a brand name that doesn't make me look for Bob Barker to appear in the kitchen saying "James Ely, come on down!!!" . I chose the LG LFX25960. Here's the write up on the fridge from the LG website.

24.7 Cu.Ft. Total Capacity
External Ice & Water Dispenser

Convenience? Style? You've come to the right place. Not only can you enjoy the benefits of a Side by Side fresh food compartment with a Bottom Freezer, but LG has enhanced the French Door package by adding a filtered Ice and Water dispenser on the outside. The self-contained ice system produces 4.0 lbs. of ice a day in 3 sizes that can be dispensed either crushed or as crescent-shaped cubes. The ice storage bin is also removable for portability and easy cleaning.

SmoothTouch Digital Temperature Controls Ensure precise temperature control in the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Located on the outside of the refrigerator, the touch sensitive digital controls also allow you to use the IcePlus™ accelerated freezing function, monitor room temperature, and reset the water filter.

Click here to visit the full specs at the LG website.

Finally, thanks to those loyal readers that left comments regarding yesterday's lack of a true post. Hindsight is 20-20; my own disappointment and the knowledge of a disappointed readership made me decide that the show must go on! So look for a fresh post every day (with the exception of weekends as the crew isn't here).

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