Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cool Reception

Anyone who knows me knows that I like things exactly the way I want them. You pick your own colors for your spreadsheet; but if it's for me... I want it the way I envision it. You pick your colors for your wardrobe; me... probably going to involve navy, blue, gray, and a few red or orange t-shirts along the way. I was disappointed to come home to find that the kitchen had been painted gray. I didn't want a cool color in the kitchen. The gray is contemporary; it's even nice for another room... but not for what I envisioned.

How'd we get here? Well, Robin picked out three distinct colors for the kitchen, all of which were in the color family I was looking for. Warm earthy tones. The swatches were on the dining room table. At some point they were moved. I thought the guys had them; they thought I had them. Once we realized they were lost we reached out to Robin again to identify the colors. I'm certain that this gray was not an option.
1) There were three colors, one for each room. This is one color that is consistent across the three.
2) I have a mental picture of the colors. This wasn't one of them.

This can be easily fixed. No harm; no foul. But I was just a little shocked to walk in and see exactly what I didn't want to see. I almost didn't make a post today. But, hey, if there is only one bad day over the course of 6 weeks that's o.k. Things happen. It's not like the wrong appliances were brought in. Paint can be fixed.

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