There really weren't significant visible signs of progress today. More taping and patching of the drywall was completed. Therefore I've decided to give you a peek in to what goes on behind the scenes in a kitchen remodeling project. No one has ever been allowed to know how these things really happen. I'm busting the doors wide open to the world of remodeling and sharing all of the "secrets of the trade". After my sizzling expose', the construction world will never be the same. I risked life and limb to take pictures of the tools of the trade. If I had been caught, I dare not think of the horrible things that could have happened to me. Here's what I discovered.

Apparently a broom, stilts, and a really long carpenter's level are vital to any remodeling project. Who knew?

Considering the earlier picture of the stilts, the presence of 2 ladders on the site confirm what we've always suspected.
Remodelers are all short! The picture on the right is that of an air compressor. I think that they use this to increase the level of oxygen in the room as they work higher and higher. I have absolutely no idea what that thing in the middle picture is. It appears to be some very high tech gadget. It looks a little dangerous. I'm certain that some sort of certification is required to use it.

Oh, I definitely know what that item on the left is. It's a wet and dry vacuum. How do I know? Well, there was this one time in the office
right where the cubicles are that... never mind, you
don't want to know. Look, lots of trash cans. There a big one in the middle for disposing of things like refrigerators and tiny little ones. Those are for all the little things that won't fit in the big one. Finally, the thing on the right appears to be a sophisticated long-armed mixer. I think they're having frozen dacari parties on their breaks. Why else would someone have a mixer at a job site?
Well, I hope that you found my report informative. Tomorrow, we'll get back to the serious blogging.
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