Today they started installing the subfloor after leveling the floor. It's kind of interesting how they do this. They spread unmixed concrete over the entire floor and event it out. Then they put down the plywood. Over time, the concrete absorbs moisture from the air and hardens ensuring that the floor stays leveled. The way it was explained is that it is similar to what happens if you leave a bag of concrete in your garage. Over time it absorbs the moisture from the air and hardens. This is exactly what will happen under the plywood.

They have also begun work on the electrical systems. The kitchen will be set up on it's own switches. As they've gotten in to the job it turns out that there was just a lot of bad wiring work done. Wrong size wires, incorrect connections, too many wires on one switch, etc. They're going to clean all of that up for me. In the meantime, half of the house is without power. Luckily the fridge is in a safe place, powered up, and chilling my Diet Dew!
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